Start of Moama Rally today, checked over the car, then went into town to sort out my internet, paid for a prepaid
Telstra wifi device, but it would not talk to my computer, after an hour Dick Smith gave me my money back (I was quite surprised that they refunded it). then went to another shop and bought another device which is working....
We left for the rally registration and the first short run in very blustery conditions with it threatening rain, which it did not long after arriving at rally HQ. after lunch a short 20 km run to the Great Ozzie Beer Shed, which had a lot more than just beer artefacts to keep most people interested, then back to the caravan park where it rained again. should be better weather tomorrow.
An interesting vehicle joined the run today, a 1920's Leyland coal steam truck, wow, I love steam engines but they are a lot of work and very messy to run.